美女與野獸-to Alex
udn x 瘋表演
【在美女與野獸的舞台上求婚,美女 Say yes 啦! 】
在情人節前夕,照片中單膝下跪求婚的 Alex 特地來信跟國內外團隊商量,為的就是要給女友 Maggie 一個驚喜求婚!Alex 在信中說: 「在遇見Maggie 前,我不知道要如何去愛一個人」「和她交往之後,我的人 生改變了」「當你愛上一個人的時候,you just know it」「愛讓你改變,讓你願意為她做任何事」
#Belle 在野獸負傷瀕死之際也唱到
"We are home. We are where we shall be forever. Trust in me. For you know, I won't run away. From today, this is all that I need and all that I need to say. Home should be where the heart is. I'm certain as I can be. I found home. You're my Home"
「到家了,永遠屬於我們的歸屬。相信我,因為你知道我 不會離去。從今起,心已無所渴求,言語都不用說出口。家 該是心之所向,我是如此這般確信。你就是,我的家」
在情人節前夕,照片中單膝下跪求婚的 Alex 特地來信跟國內外團隊商量,為的就是要給女友 Maggie 一個驚喜求婚!Alex 在信中說: 「在遇見Maggie 前,我不知道要如何去愛一個人」「和她交往之後,我的人
#Belle 在野獸負傷瀕死之際也唱到
"We are home. We are where we shall be forever. Trust in me. For you know, I won't run away. From today, this is all that I need and all that I need to say. Home should be where the heart is. I'm certain as I can be. I found home. You're my Home"
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